I love TED (if you don’t know it, you must go peruse around. I have heard it called “the YouTube of the intellectually curious,” so of course you will love it. : ) And I ran across this talk by Neil Pasricha on The 3 A’s of Awesome and fell in love. I love his blog, 1000 Awesome Things, and the epiphany that resulted in his book series: The Book of Awesome. His is one of those epiphanies that occurs when you have the moment of realization that change has slowly been happening within you and in your life. The epiphany moment is when you realize it. His focus on the simple things in life that are “awesome” results in cultivating mindfulness and a state of gratitude and is a way of “listening” and “paying attention” in life that I keep talking about, creating space for epiphanies to more easily happen and to be noticed when they come.