‘Tis the Season…To Get In Shape?!
Every now and again I write about things that I think are AWESOME. (And please tell me what is more awesome than this precious, stretching kitty?! Pretty awesome…) But I really want share these 3 very effective, very simple “getting in shape” discoveries/tips. In the last 4-6 weeks, I have lost about 10 lbs and I didn’t suffer! At all! Which, if you know me, is huge. I’m not a big dieter-person or a gym person. In fact, I quit the gym because of these new things I’ve discovered to help me get in better shape and have fun doing it! Can you tell I’m excited? So whether you’re into avoidance of holiday weight gain or if you have one of those new year’s resolutions things coming up OR you just want some good stocking stuffer ideas for loved ones that may be into those type of things…here you go:
This book poses a diet that is definitive and enjoyable has become a life-style for me and several people I know. Here’s the story behind my experience:
An actress friend of mine used this to lose 10 lbs in 17 days before a film shoot she had to do and used it to keep the weight off — and she said it wasn’t hard. So, of course, I was all over it. I bought it for my sister as a gift and got one for myself, and then proceeded not to open it and neither did my sister. Then my younger sister (yes, there are several of us) went to visit the other sister I’d bought it for, noticed and ordered it, and she and her husband proceeded to lose 10 and 30 pounds respectively. In 17 days. AND THEY HAVE KEPT IT OFF! That was it. I finally got on it and after the about the 3rd day, it was easy to do and stay on and I felt great. After 17 days, I too had lost 10 lbs and the weight has stayed off. I still have weight I’d like to lose, but this has been a great start and Dr. Moreno poses the plan where you can eat whatever you want on the weekends and stay pretty much within the lifestyle during the week. I am telling everyone about this book, and I just got his latest one to stop aging. I’ll let you know about that…in years?
2.) Pop Physique = Ballet + Yoga + Pilates + Great Music + Beautiful, Clean, Cool Studios + Fabulous Instructors + Fun + Getting in Shape!
I stopped my gym membership and just do this and go walking/jogging or hiking sometimes, and I have dropped a size. I cannot believe the results of these classes. You do a class and feel energized and alive, not exhausted or super-sweaty, and after a few classes, I wasn’t ever really sore either — AND IT’S FUN, at least I think it is. And their DVDs are amazing too. They are so worth the investment if you don’t live in the areas where Pop Physique is located (but don’t worry they are expanding!) and I use them when I can’t make it into class. They also run specials all the time at the studios if you have a tight budget.
3.) Joel Harper DVDs – of course, I had to bring these up – I helped produce them! (and I’m even in some of them.) They’re great and Joel is great and if I can do his workouts, anyone can do them – trust me – and you get results. He’s having a big Holiday Sale right now too, so go get your deal! Joel is also an interviewee in the Epiphany book and on this site, and his epiphany is pretty remarkable if you want to check his video out.
So there you have it — only 3 simple things I have discovered that have made all the difference to this “getting-in-shape-resister-type,” just in case they may be helpful to you too…
Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season and here’s to “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” ~ and getting in shape! (NEVER thought I’d be toasting that – who knew? 🙂 ) Cheers!