Today I’m posting the prompts from Epiphany: The Journal for this Epiphany interview from Michael Bernard Beckwith. The video of his interview with me is below and then the prompts are below it if you’d like to go deeper with thinking about your own Light and developing and sharing your unique gifts, talents and skills.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: What do you think it means for you to be a beneficiary presence on the planet?

I loved doing this interview. Dr. Beckwith was so generous to do this with me in his office. As you can tell, it was just me shooting in my typical guerilla-filmmaker-girl mode using only my one camera, a lav microphone and the available light in the office (ie: no professional lighting). The whole day and interview was so interesting and magical. As I drove away from Agape after interviewing him, an enormous rainbow stretched across the sky — even huge electric lines and terrible traffic in Los Angeles won’t stop the awe of rainbows. I took it as a sign (and as serendipity), of course. 🙂


Writing Prompts from p. 173 of Epiphany: The Journal: 

Write about a dream that you remember that made a big impact on you. If you don’t have any dreams you can remember, write about a movie, TV show or book that had a significant impact on you in a positive way. Art, stories and dreams can all spark epiphanies. 

Write about your unique gifts, talents and skills and how they are or are not being utilized in the world. If you don’t know, usually what you most desire to be doing are your gifts and talents calling to you, so write about what your heart most desires to be doing every day.Â