Epiphany: The Book of Awesome is Awesome!

I love TED (if you don't know it, you must go peruse around. I have heard it called "the YouTube of the intellectually curious," so of course you will love it. : ) And I ran across this talk by Neil Pasricha on The 3 A's of Awesome and fell in love. I love his blog,...

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Epiphany: Having Faith and Speaking Your Truth

"Having faith in my experience gave me the courage to speak my truth, which helped others and changed my life." In January 2006, my neighbor Monty died in the apartment next door. I could hear his wife and daughter and friends who had gathered weeping through the day....

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Epiphany: How Adversity Can Be A Gift

"Amidst the messy carbon phases of life, adversity can polish you to be the shiny gem you were meant to become." For years I made collages out of magazine clips to express my creative side.  One of my all-time favorite collages had clock images. When I got laid off of...

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Epiphany: Patience [via Peru + Pepto Bismol]

"The course of life is not a race, except for the thrill of running. If I want or need to walk or stand still on the course, that's okay." "You're here to learn patience." I heard these words in my head as I sat on an ancient stone altar in the ruins of Machu Picchu...

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