Disappointment & Dreams – How to Cope & Begin Anew.

I keep a journal. And at the end of every year I review what I wrote. Sometimes it takes a long time depending on the year and how diligent (or neurotic) I was that year, but it’s very informative actually, especially if you are a candid writer in your journals...

Class Notes on Oprah’s LifeClass with Deepak Chopra (w/ video!)

Earlier this month, I was graciously invited to attend Oprah Winfrey’s LifeClass taping with Deepak Chopra at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. Since it’s a Life-Class, I decided to take LifeClass Notes. Those notes are below. (Yes, I was one of those...

For All Those Vision Board Doubting Thomas’s…

I’d never put much credence in Vision Boards (this is a link to a great article about them) but I kept hearing how amazing things were happening for friends of mine and reading about them so I thought, “What the hey – I need all the help I can get at...

Epiphany: The Definition of Success

I was going through a bunch of things as I organize for the new year and ran across one of my favorite sayings/poems…They aren’t sure who wrote it – it’s attributed most of the time to Ralph Waldo Emerson but probably a woman by the name of...