“Life isn’t necessarily supposed to be a cakewalk.” Tracy Hafen serves as the director of physical exercise programs for BrainSavers, a company whose mission is to maintain healthy minds throughout aging. She is certified as a personal trainer by the...
“Many important discoveries are made merely by observing and contemplating what is experienced in everyday life.” Roly Gosling a microbiologist and malaria epidemiologist from the UK, was the project leader for the Kilimanjaro Intermittent Preventive...
“Tapping into one’s own unique wellsprings of positivity is a wise and healthy investment in the future.” Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D., is the Kenan Distinguished Professor of Psychology and director of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab at the...
“What brings true happiness is true connection with each other.” Frank Desiderio is the director of the Paulist Center in Boston, Massachusetts, and is a member of the Paulist Fathers. Prior to that, he served as president of Paulist Productions in Los...
“By completely trusting and acting on your instincts, the course of your entire life can change.” Clive Davis is the legendary music industry executive and record producer who is known as “the man with the golden ears” because of his talent for discovering...
“Your ability to succeed is a direct reflection of your ability to try.” Sam Danniels is a rare breed of athlete. Growing up in Toronto, Sam enjoyed nothing more than learning new sports and mastering old ones. In August 2005, at the age of nineteen, Sam...