New Year, New You.

“New Year, New You…that is the marketing slogan that is used for this time of year,” my publisher informed me when they told me that my book was being released on January 4 and that the book was going to be part of that movement. New Year, New You....

Perfect Inspirational Quotes for a Bad Day (or Night)

Ever had a REALLY bad day (or night)? Yeah, me too. This quote by Emerson helps…   Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you...

Epiphany: The Definition of Success

I was going through a bunch of things as I organize for the new year and ran across one of my favorite sayings/poems…They aren’t sure who wrote it – it’s attributed most of the time to Ralph Waldo Emerson but probably a woman by the name of...