What All Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Have in Common In December, I attended the Nobel Peace Prize festivities and interviewed some of the key people who run the Peace Prize. It was incredible to be attending the year that the unprecedented had occurred – three...
This past December, I had the honor of attending the 2011 Nobel Prize events in Stockholm, Sweden and then the Nobel Peace Prize events in Oslo, Norway to collect interviews for Epiphany Channel and to do research for a television idea I’ve been working on. To attend...
This submitted epiphany story is in question and answer format (questions found on the Share Your Epiphany page). What is your greatest epiphany in life? (summarize in 1 or 2 sentences) While watching “The Secret” somebody said, “We usually think...
One of the most powerful exercises I use in my workshops and courses is one where we ponder and write down our greatest epiphanies. If you think you haven’t had one, you just pick a moment you’ve had of any revelation or realization and when you really think about it...
In honor of Earth Day, I thought I’d highlight 2 epiphanies from the Callings Section of my book. Annie Leonard and Nell Newman both had epiphanies about the need to conserve and help save our planet which led them to their careers, or as I refer to it, to their...
“The whole reason we are here is to love. The struggle is optional. There is no need to hate, or deceive, or have our way, or be right, or to pontificate. All we need to do is love.” ~Amy Sandberg My partner and I had spent two days arguing....