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Praise for Epiphany!
“Epiphany is the book to give as a gift for every present this year.” -Huffington Post
“Curl up on the couch and warm your heart with Elise Ballard’s uplifting book–a WOW-read!” -Health Magazine
“Interesting and inspirational…for thoughtful readers in whom it is likely to trigger self-examination and the effort to listen to one’s own inner voice.” –Booklist
“…a classic inspirational collection to be revisited time and time again.” -Marci Shimoff
“…on our list of favorite things to do, watch, read and share to cultivate your passions, your talents and your drive: Read Epiphany: True Stories of Sudden Insight by Elise Ballard.” ~Live Happy Magazine
“Elise Ballard’s collection of “universal lightbulb” accounts explores pivotal moments that will inspire everyone.” ~Psychology Today