NEW! Epiphany Circle Mastermind June 19th 7-9pm in Los Angeles

NEW! Epiphany Circle Mastermind June 19th 7-9pm in Los Angeles

Happy Summer! Are you ready to walk through a new door in life? Would you love to remember this summer as magical, and create a season of growth and change, of building community and deeper connections with yourself and the world around you? Well, I AM! So I decided...
Letting Go and Starting a New Chapter (with Writing Prompts)

Letting Go and Starting a New Chapter (with Writing Prompts)

  Happy Easter! And Happy Passover too (even though it started on Friday)! I love that tonight I’m going to a Seder dinner on Easter. I was raised Catholic and Easter was one of the most celebrated holidays in my family growing up — always a huge gathering of...
Why I Write Books (And Other Things)

Why I Write Books (And Other Things)

The other day someone wrote me and said this: “I’m presenting at an upcoming local book marketing summit. My topic is The ROI of Book Marketing and part of my presentation addresses the different reason authors write books (it isn’t all about money). I would...
Epiphanies in the Zeitgeist: How to Coax an AHA!

Epiphanies in the Zeitgeist: How to Coax an AHA!

  How do you coax an epiphany? Why should you take action on your epiphanies? What are some ways to spread happiness and well-being in the world? Answers to these questions and a lot of other valuable information awaits in the cover story of Psychology Today and...

Tony Robbins’ New Money Book + His Epiphanous Interviews

“If you change your perspective from expectation to gratitude, your whole life will change.” ~Tony Robbins, from his interview with Tim Ferriss.  On my blog, I primarily write things now that I find myself telling people in my life about that I’ve...